Event Technology Trends: Redefining the Future of Events

Jan 17,2018
image By: Thomas Sabel

Remember the days of having attendee lists written on endless sheets of paper and then having to shift through it all on entry? The event planning industry has come a long way since then helping us to give our audiences a better experience.

Because the world of technology is constantly evolving, it’s important that we keep on top of all the latest event technology trends to ensure we stand out from the crowd. So which technology trends should you look out for in particular this year?


Expect big things from radio frequency identification when it comes to the future of event planning. There are many aspects of an event that can be improved by implementing an RFID system – No matter what industry you’re from, you can benefit from it. Not only does RFID allow attendees to easily check in to an event speeding up the entry time but it also allows them to buy from food vendors, enter competitions, purchase official merchandise and update social media.

Wearable Technology 

Smart watches, Google glass and even Snapchat spectacles are all types of wearable tech that people now rely on in their day to day lives. As the demand for wearable tech continues to grow, it’s time to think seriously about how this can benefit us as event planners and organizers. Menu options, travel directions, appointment updates, facial recognition software and contact information are just the beginning of the very real ways that event planners will soon be able to use wearable tech.

Event Apps

Event apps have massively grown in popularity over the last few years – Whether you want to check in to a certain event or check the event schedule for a workshop or festival so that you don’t miss your favorite lecturer or artist. Event apps give attendees access to a committed backchannel where they can socialize, and expand their network before, during and after an event.

Social Media

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat have made it very clear that they’re here to stay and to be taken serious when it comes to helping out the event industry especially when it comes to creating social media campaigns for events. With thanks to the rise in social influencers, attendees are making choices about which events to attend based on who else in their social media circles are going. Attendees will also look to social media for more information about an event, share content and to get in touch. As event planners, we have to make sure that our social media strategies are on top form either wise it could impact our reputation. 

Virtual Reality

From parties and festivals to meetings and conferences, VR booths are making more and more of an appearance at events. Why? Virtual reality is a great way to up attendee engagement! VR is also great for networking, showcasing a product and allowing the participant to experience something truly unique making it far more memorable. 

When it comes to technology, it doesn’t matter what tool you chose as long as it works for you. Their purpose is to help make our job that little bit easier so if it doesn’t work for you straight away – Give something else a try! As technology evolves it’s important to try and stay one step ahead by keeping up to date on all of the latest trends to ensure your event runs as smoothly as possible and is remembered by your audience for the right reasons.

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